
During the summer of 2019, I began exploring OpenMusic computer-assisted composition (CAC) software. With the guidance of my composition instructors and some excellent online and print resources, I began to implement useful compositional techniques and processes within OpenMusic for use in my own compositions. OpenMusic has quickly become an indispensable compositional aid, and it has enabled me to compose works such as Slapdash (2020), which would have been prohibitively laborious to compose otherwise.

01. OM examples

Because of the tremendous compositional assistance that OpenMusic can provide and because of my recent (and ongoing) experiences as an OpenMusic neophyte, I created a series of video tutorials on YouTube. These tutorials are aimed towards student composers at universities in the United States where OpenMusic might not be as frequently used as in European and Canadian universities. The videos attempt to both offer an idea of the type of projects that are possible in OpenMusic as well as outline some difficulties that I imagine other OpenMusic beginners might encounter.